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Dear Archie
Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009 | Time: 9:39 PM
Dear David A.,

Welcome to the Philippines! You've probably heard that a lot by now but, it still feels great to say. I'm really happy I was able to call you earlier. Sadly, they asked my question before I got to ask it : so I had to think of another one. haha. Anyway, I hope I didn't sound completely idiotic. I was really nervous (obviously), we all were. It seemed even Mojo was! I enjoyed hearing you and David Cook earlier. The stories they shared about you just made me like you even more. I laughed when I heard you do the thing when you hear a word that's connected to a song, you start singing it (I do that a lot too). One time, I was at school and our teacher said something and I started laughing and singing the lyrics after she said that. So everyone laughed at me but they knew it was something about me that could never be changed. Of course, I'm not as good as you ;)

I'm really excited about tomorrow, obviously, the rest of the Philippines is. I can't wait to hear you sing Angels. It's my favorite song. I love how you seem to be so cool about what's happening around you and It's great that you seem to be a normal teenager. I mean, if teenagers achieved everything you have at your age, then chyea! that's pretty normal. Lol.

Btw, getting a twitter was a great idea. Not only can all of us stalk you through your tweets (haha!) but we sort of know your thoughts so it's as if you were telling them to us personally. You gotta convince David Cook to get one too. Tell him it's not just telling the world "I just ate a burger" "I just had a bath" it's more on sharing your thoughts :) tell him to try it out for a bit and after a while, he'll get addicted (like the rest of the world).

Thank you for being that person who brings inspiration to everyone. And as Grace Lee said being "Contagious" as well. I was smiling throughout the whole interview and throughout lunch and as I type this letter.

I look forward to Saturday and the rest of your career. We all know great things will come from you (They already have, but we know that someone with your talents can go further). No pressure though. We'll be backing you up 100% and if you fall, we'll be there to pick you up and dust you off.

I really hope you get to read this. It's a pretty spontaneous letter (I seem to do that a lot) so ignore any mistakes I've made in writing it.

As a closer, I hope you enjoy yourselves on the stage tomorrow. I wish I could've met you (and if I do, I'll let you know it's me), but knowing that you've been busy, I won't force it. I'll take what I'm given and enjoy it with a great big smile on my face. I hope you guys enjoy the craziness of the crowd tomorrow and I hope we live up to your expectations. I wish you all the best and keep on doin' what you do ('cause that's what we love about you) Enjoy the rest of your stay and take care.

With love from Manila,
Gabrielle (Gaby :P) Novenario

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Take my hand, off to never never land.
Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009 | Time: 10:45 AM
What I love about drawing is there's always this imaginative feel to it, no matter how proper the sketch you're doing is. Sometimes I wish I could just let go. Clasp my hands tightly inside the boy in green tights' hand and let him take me to a world or magic and Disney. Of course, I don't open my window and see one star in the sky.

I can only remember one painting I did where I went nuts. It felt awesome, yet, staring at the outcome, people would think I was strange. The first thing my mom asked me was "do you somehow feel alone?". I hadn't realized I had made a black shadow drowning in vast colors of darkness and despair. Wow. I made up a story for that and pretended I copied it off a book and kept the painting in my "portfolio".

Chibi is where I can be myself. It sounds idiotic but smushed up versions of people with no mouths is one of the easiest self-explanatory crap things I've done. Ever. And besides, when a boy in green tights can't take you to a land of delicious imaginary food, there's always that chibi of yourself in the land of clouds low enough to sit on and play guitar on. Or the land of flying bass' and guitars.

I sound like a child.

But then again, weren't we all at some point?

Some of us just don't grow out of it.

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I've Been Counting
Date: Friday, January 30, 2009 | Time: 2:46 AM
...And it's thirteen days until the concert.

Man, it seem like just yesterday when I first stepped into the crowd of my first rock concert. I remember having that stupid shirt and the faded jeans and ratty-looking converse. I remember setting foot on the floor and thinking, 'Shit! Chicosci's still on!'. When Fall out boy stepped out, I remember hearing the crowd's cheering and that very familiar adrenaline rush (you can goodle it) each time the first chords are played. It's like this frenzy goes off in my head(like my own personal brand of heroin).

Being my first concert, it would've been normal if I had covered my ears for a minute or two considering the intensity of the volume; but I didn't. It was strange though, the way I felt so at home in the middle of the floor with equally eager kids next to me as they screamed the lyrics.

Each time I go to a concert, I look for that rush, that special bolt of happiness that only being in a concert can give me. It's strange but if you think about it, I was born to rock. My mother taught me classic rock at an early age, I guess you can say the rest is history.

Thinking back to "The 'ol days" it makes me even more excited to go and see the FOB concert on the 13th of Febuary (Thanks to Tigger!!)I'm really looking forward to see how they'll perform the new album to a bunch of kids who may not know what they're talking about. Not looking forward to sideburns-less patrick-o and really excited to see extreamly large 'fro boy joe. Off course, aside from that, I still can't wait to see the boys back on stage before me doing what they do best.


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Change is on Everyone's Mind Tonight.
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 | Time: 6:42 AM
At exactly 2 hours from now, we’ll be witnessing history unfold before our very eyes. President Elect Barack Obama will be named the first African American president of the United States of America and the most powerful man on the face of the earth.

I may not be American but I know what the whole world is facing at the moment, or, I may know half of it; but I know that this man is merely a human being like the rest of us. I’m afraid to say this but there will be controversies and there will be disappointments but we will still keep our feet firmly on the ground in the hopes of a brighter tomorrow.

Tonight I’ll be staying up to watch the live telecast on CNN because I want to be part of this historical event. And since this is not only America’s future but the world’s as well, I ask, whether you are for or against Obama’s administration, that we pray for this man and pray for good decisions and CHANGE.

Tomorrow, I’m going to wake up proud knowing that I have a future in this world and it won’t be crumbling to its core by the time I have a chance to leave a my mark on it.

Let’s keep our faith and work together to build a brighter tomorrow.
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Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 | Time: 4:29 AM
Adrenaline rush, you can google it.

It was weird, like I saw myself from a different perspective.
I saw what a fool I made myself when I watched him from a distance as he goofed around with his friends. I was idiotic to think he'd actually look my way and think twice about pretending i wasn't there. Then there he was, in front of me with this huge sign, that, if decoded spelled out 'stay out of my life'. Doesn't that suck? To know that one of the only people you feel for couldn't give a damn about you? Doesn't it feel worse that the more you try to forget them, the more you end up wishing that you'd never forget them? Because the disappearance of that thought, that presence of the person right there makes you wanna shrivle up and die.
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Take a step back, as the room was filling up.
Date: Friday, January 9, 2009 | Time: 8:56 AM
Ever wonder how come as you sit in an empty room, you feel as though the walls were closing in on your and the oxygen was slowly disappearing? I think it's because sometimes, you just gotta open the door and let go of some stuff, in my case some people.

It took some time and a lot of encouragement but I finally got it, or, let go of it.

Strange how it feels in the end, like this ticking timebomb in your head was finally difussed and all you have is the shell.

I always wonder why it's so hard for me to understand it. But then, I realize that the thing that enchanted me was just the thought and not that itself.

I hope you understand what i'm getting to. I'm trying to say enough without saying too much.

Anyway, it's a new year, a better me who now names all her gadgets thank-you-very-much

I'm just real happy to say, i'm starting off the year without any tears and bad feelings. I hope it sticks 'cause it feels great.

I hope you all learn how to let go sooner or later.

trust me, it's not eaasy, it is painful but it is worth it. That's how bluntly i can say it.

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and is preparing themselves for a long 12 months.
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Does this mean it's war?
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008 | Time: 9:12 AM
As you see the enemy approaching, your grip on the riffle tightens as you feel your heart pound. You start to walk, taking slow, even steps until... Boom.

But that won't work 'cause were not in the wild west. What if you hadn't even met the enemy? Would you know them once you saw them? What if you ended up liking them? Could you blame them? How you know it's killing you yet you can't bring yourself to hate them.

'Cause that's the confussion of it all.

It's too painful to elaborate.
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